

The Navy League programs are the boots on the ground that enables the Navy League to affect change for our members, our sea services and their families.

Legislative Affairs

The Navy League leads the charge on Capitol Hill, representing the needs of the sea services through grassroots campaigns that make an impact.

Youth Programs

The Navy League supports the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, Navy Junior ROTC, Marine Corps Junior ROTC and Young Marines.

Adopted Ships & Units

Navy League councils are essential in providing local support of ship units, enhancing the morale of service men and women around the world.


It’s essential to provide the sea services with an enriched workforce. The Navy League accomplishes this through our STEM education efforts.


Given to both our councils and the sea services, the Navy League awards program provides recognition for those living up to our highest ideals.


We provide children of the sea services with the financial aid they need to attend college. Learn how to apply or how your organization can help.